
Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 9

Hi hi! 
So, this week was LOADS better than last week! Sister Runia and I drove an hour away to Elleworth on Tuesday and stopped along the way to visit some less-actives that no one seemed to know. I knew that something was going to come from these visits and something did! That something was cats. I'll start from the top: We pull into a town so small, the roads are not even paved. We stop in front of a house and I immediately see 4 cats. When we asked the older lady how many cats she owns she shrugs and says, "I don't know!!" I counted one room. Lucky for me, they all seemed to like Sister Runia more anyways. 
The cats were worth it because this lady has been praying for someone from the church to come by because she has had it so hard lately. We got the Book of Mormon downloaded for her and she wants to come to church more often if she can get rides. I love this work. Seriously, there is nothing quite like sitting in a room with 9 cats in it, one of them is missing and ear and trying to cuddle with you, and the Spirit is so strong as tears are in Anita's eyes and she is bearing her testimony to us. 

I was also able to pass off 2 of my lessons this week! Oh man, these things have been stressing me out! Elder Allen was so patient with me as I was trying to pass them off, he told me that in his 2 years of serving, mine was the most entertaining lessons that he has ever passed off. Honestly, I really didn't care how, I just wanted to learn my lessons! hahaha glad I could provide a laugh. After this, Sister Runia and I forgot to tell him something when he left, so we booked it out the door and ran down the stairs yelling his name. He screamed SO LOUD, and jumped no less than a foot in the air. Come to find out, being chased up stairs is this elder's worst fear....whoops. 

Can I just say that I love the priesthood?! One of the elders gave Alexia a very inspired blessing and without knowing her situation at all, she had several answers given to her very directly! I also felt impressed to receive a blessing on Friday as well. It was when I was studying for my dreaded lesson and the Spirit told me to get a blessing. After District Meeting, Elder Allen offered to give a blessing to anyone. The Spirit does not kid around with me! If I was going to be too proud to ask for one, he was going to offer it to me! I am humbled every day in the mission field! 

Transfers are this week and I have discovered my fate: I am staying in Salina! Sister Runia is leaving to go to Wichita to be a Sister Training Leader, so I will finish training with Sister Prince. I cannot wait to meet her because I have been reassured by several sources that we have a lot in common and that she also knows how to yodel. I'm pumped. I am so sad to leave Sister Runia though! So, bitter-sweet emotions! 
I love you all, and remember that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Kansas, 

Sister Parry

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