
Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 10

Hi all! 
This week was super crazy! Pday ended last week with a broken wrist...NOT MINE! Sister Runia's. We spent the next few hours in the ER. The next 2 days, she was drugged up, plus we were hit with another snow storm so we were not going anywhere! Who knew that I would be able to use my random CNA skills?! Let's just say that when you are washing your companion's hair, your companion unity gets stronger haha! 

I got her all packed up, because she was transferred! :( My new companion is Sister Price! She is really funny, likes to sing a lot, and indeed knows how to yodel. :D This will be a good transfer I can tell! 
Sister Prince and I are having fun figuring out Salina! I am the driver now and I have no idea where anything is! So, I am learning how to use a map! We visited a lot of less actives this week which was fun and definitely interesting! We have a new investigator and the 2nd time we met with her, we taught her about the restoration and she accepted to be baptized! I am so happy for her. I know that if she works hard, she can be baptized soon. 

We had dinner last night at a member's house and it really impacted me. They have 5 young kids, one of them has a disorder that makes communicating and walking very hard. He is so cute. Anyways, I taught the family about the gospel of Jesus Christ by placing "steps" around the room. After the oldest son finished the steps, the one with the disorder crawled over to the beginning and started to take the path as well. His older brothers saw him having difficulty, so they went over to him, picked him up, and helped him walk through all the steps with the whole family cheering him on! He also got to sit next to the elders, oh man! Let me tell you that he felt like the luckiest kid in the world!! I gave him a name tag sticker and he just gleamed! 

Another thing that impacted me was when I was offering all the kids stickers. I had a few fun and colorful ones, and they choose a little black rectangle with white words on it. It says "future missionary" that was really humbling. I never realized before my mission just how much people watch us-not only as a missionary but as a member of the church. Just this morning, we were stopped in the store and a man told us about every single Mormon that he has ever met! People are watching us everyone! You do not need a name tag to represent the savior! 

Although this week was a really crazy one, the Lord humbles me every day. I am so excited to be involved in the work of the Lord! A mission really is the best thing in the world! Not because it is easy, but because it is hard. Hard things are worth it! I love you all and I hope that you take this Valentines week to spread the love that God has for his children! 

Loves and a hug from Kansas, 
Sister Parry

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