
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Week 3

I made it to Kansas everyone!! 

So, Tuesday was traveling day! Half of my district woke up a 2:30 to report at 3:30 :/ We reported to the buses and set off for the airport! (Don't worry, I waved to you all when we passed by) My flight was delayed a few hours, and Elder Knight's parents met us at the airport because his mom works there! Right before we boarded our plane the other half of our district walked by and a huge reunion happened(which is pretty sad because we were only separated for 7 hours)

 I really wanted to sleep on the airplane but we were assigned seats and I was in between my companion, who was sight seeing out the window and...Elder Knight. AWKWARD. So, sleep was at a minimal! We landed in CO to switch planes, when I boarded a 7 ft wide plane with..PROPELLERS. WHAT?! After many prayers, we made it safely to Kansas! I met President and Sister Bell who are both amazing! We ate and spent the night at the mission home and they spoiled us rotten! 

The next day, I got on a bus and placed my 1st Book of Mormon!! WOOHOO! 
He lives in Oklahoma but wants me to send missionaries to his house after the holidays! :D 
My first area is Salina Kansas and my companion in Sister Runia from Draper, UT actually! We both went to Alta but never met! She does not cry at all either so we get along just great! hahahaha 
But really, she is an awesome trainer! She has always trained or been trained so she is well experienced! AND her last companion was assigned to a spanish speaking mission so Sister Runia and our investigators are at least 1/2 Spanish speaking!! I get to sit and smile and say "Si!" at what appears to be the appropriate time! 

The 1st week has been an eventful one for sure! I didn't even see our house until after 10 PM! 
We drove straight to a less-active's house for dinner. The husband is trying to quit smoking by Christmas Eve so he can baptize his son this coming year. When we left, we took his last ash-tray and drove to the church for a surprise baptism! Yes, I did walk into a church to meet members for the 1st time with an ash-tray in hand! hahahaha gotta love the missionary life! 

I have met a LOT of inspiring people with some amazing stories, I wish that I had the time to share all of them with you guys. 

Another event that happened was that we have been snowed in for 2 days!! in a few hours, it snowed a foot here in Salina! The Zone leaders said we can't drive and even church was canceled(Kansas is still trying to discover snow plows)

the area is beautiful! It is a little city with quite a bit of country mixed in, so I am in my element! 
I hope that everyone is doing amazing! I would love to hear from YOU! 

Have a very Merry Christmas and remember that God answers prayers! 
Loves and a hug from Salina, 

Sister Parry

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