
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sister Parry Week 1

Hi everyone!

 First of all, I LOVE THE MTC!! The Spirit is so strong here! My companion's name is Sister Speed, she if from Florida but has gone to school at the Y here. We balance each other out really well and keep each other focused. We love to have really deep spiritual discussions, but I often find her frolicking through the snow sometimes :) There are 12 missionaries total in my district and I will not hesitate to say that I have the BEST DISTRICT EVER!  They are all loads of fun! There are 6 sisters and 4 Elders. 
The most spiritual experience I've had here happened the second night here. The elders gave 4 of the sisters priesthood blessings. It was their first time using their priesthood. We were all crying! The spirit told me to wait to get one and good thing, because I got one last night alongside my companion. Sis Speed needed healing for her lungs and the spirit told me to ask for one as well. The elders were more than happy to give us blessings. They take it so seriously.

So we work in 16 hour days and 12 of those hours are spent studying and working. If you want to see some serious stress relief send a bunch of these missionaries on a walk in the snow to the Provo Temple! It was hilarious!

Sister Speed and I have an investigator named Lance. I just want to give him a hug! He has been in some really dark places and is scared of God. Any advice?

Some of the lessons that I have really taken to heart are:
If something intimidates me or scares me, I have to jump right into it! And to not try to guide the spirit, but to let the spirit guide me. It is is easy to feel the spirit here and I can feel his promptings louder and clearer than ever before!

I will tell you two funny stories before I have to log off:
In a 12-hour time span I managed to not only fall on my head attempting a hand stand, but also, I hit a sister in the FACE with a volleyball........whoops.

At dinner Sunday night, Elder Jones was asking everyone if they were going to eat their rolls. Later on, I mentioned that the MTC president and his wife were 6 seats away from us. When I said that, Elder Jone's eyes went wide and said, "THAT'S THE MTC PRESIDENT'S WIFE?! I ALMOST ASKED HER FOR HER ROLL" I died a little.

Anyways, my time is just about up. I fly to Kansas in the weeee hours of the morning next Tuesday. I love you all and I LOVE to hear from you! 
Lots of love, 
Sister Parry 

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