
Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 4

Wow! It is going by so fast! 

First of all, Christmas was great! We spent it with a few members and all the missionaries in my district! 
This week has been an interesting one for sure! So last P-day, I was introduced to the wonderful sport of Chair Soccer, it gets pretty intense and they play it every P-day. In all honesty, I am terrified of this sport but it is so. much. fun!

This week, because of the holidays, most people are not home so we focused on seeing less-actives and part-member families. I looked at the ward roster and about 1/2 of the ward is less-active! So I have some work to do! 
This week, Sister Runia has been sick with a cold/flu and has had to sleep in for a few hours extra, so my study time has been by myself for the most part this week. I woke up with a cold yesterday, so that makes life pretty interesting hahaha. Last night, I was shivering and a family ever so sweetly served us ice cream! Oh my goodness, if there is one thing that I have learned, it is that people like to give missionaries candy. We have acquired so much candy that it looks like we are ready for trick-or-treaters! And that does not even start when it comes to brownies, and cookies and what-not. Another thing that I have learned is that we are a garbage disposal. People don't want to feel bad by throwing out food, so they give it to us. We usually end up throwing it out anyways, because we usually determine it as inedible.

Speaking of inedible food, I have the BEST dinner appointment story ever! So, we went over to a Filipino couple's house for dinner and Sister Runia was way excited and was hoping that we would have authentic Spring Rolls. We sat down at a 2-person table and saw the Spring Rolls with delight! The couple sat in the other room and we dove right in! Soon to find out that we were not eating spring rolls, we were eating HOT DOGS!! WHAT?! Worst joke ever. Also on the table was some sort of unidentifiable meat. We are hoping that it was beef of some sort. It was so bad that we wrapped it in napkins and stuffed it down Sister Runia's boots! Not to be rude, we asked if we could take some home with us! There is no life like the missionary life! This sort of thing happens often actually! People tend to just serve you food. 

Other fun things that happened this week was: I am still horrible at remembering names, I got pooped on by a bird and we had the best contact at the gas station ever! Sister Runia gave me pass-along cards to give out while she was filling up the gas. I talked to the man closest to us and we ended up talking to him for a good 10 minutes! He basically told us his life story, and definitely felt the Spirit, I was so pumped! 

The biggest thing happened yesterday at church. So we have an investigator named Alexia. Long story short, They have been meeting with her for months, she is so ready to be baptized but she hasn't gotten anywhere with that! She is in every one of our prayers and we were at such a loss with what to do with her. Yesterday during church, Sister Runia and Alexia were talking and she committed to be baptized on January 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is SO HUGE. When Alexia told Elder Stratton, he started crying! Like, this is monumental! 

Kansas is gorgeous and I am loving the spiritual, and craziness of it all! 

This really is the time for members and missionaries to work together! Our work is nothing compared to the work that members do! 

Anyways, missionary life is great and I am loving it!
God answers prayers! 
I love you!
Sister Parry

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