
Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week 2

How art thou? Technically, I don't have a Pday this week so my emailing time is super duper limited due to traveling preparations.This week has goon by in a blur! Honestly, 98% of my time is spent in the classroom so unless you want my spiritual notes, there is not too much to report this week. The speaker last Teusday was Quintin L. Cook!!! It was spectacular! Yesterday the BYU Men's Chorus came to perform! Yes, it was amazing as expected! This week was a bitter-sweet one. We said an early goodbye to Elder Simonsen early. He went home and is going to serve a service mission. He has one of the strongest testimonies but needs to serve in a different way. 

Yesterday, we went on another temple walk and this time, the gates were open! WOOHOO!! I took a thousand pictures that

Hello parental figures! How art thou? Technically, I don't have a Pday this week so my emailing time is super duper limited due to traveling preparations.This week has goon by in a blur! Honestly, 98% of my time is spent in the classroom so unless you want my spiritual notes, there is not too much to report this week. The speaker last Teusday was Quintin L. Cook!!! It was spectacular! Yesterday the BYU Men's Chorus came to perform! Yes, it was amazing as expected! This week was a bitter-sweet one. We said an early goodbye to Elder Simonsen early. He went home and is going to serve a service mission. He has one of the strongest testimonies but needs to serve in a different way. 

Yesterday, we went on another temple walk and this time, the gates were open! WOOHOO!! I took a thousand pictures that will be uploaded at an undermined time...sorry! This week, Sister Speed and I taught our investigator Lance :) He is fantastic! He was really open with us but had troubles accepting that God loves him personally. Goodbyes with Lance was pretty hard. We also taught a less active member. She wanted to talk about the temple so that was pretty fun! 
When I am not in the classroom, I am in devotionals! This week, we had a in-field devotional which lasted all day, it was pretty fun actually and really interactive. I definetely feel more prepared to enter the field. The only thing that was bugging me this week was my knee, nothing major, just annoying. I got a brace and it felt better within 3 days. 

We had even more blessings happen this week. Both Sister Speed and I recieved blessings, and also 2 other sisters that really needed it. Last night, Elder Jones also recieved a blessing. 

The funniest thing that happened this week needs a little background. Sister Cramer is amazing. She is also very unique and ecsentric! When she laughs, she cackles...REALLY LOUD! I adore it because it is basically her personality in laugh form! Anyways, getting stares in the cafeteria is a daily thing for our district and we love it! So a few days ago, we were eating dinner when we all started laughing about something, and Sister Cramer's cackle starts up again! I was laughing so hard from her laugh that I started crying! She started laughing even harder because of me, and it went back and forth! For a whole 2 minutes, she looked at me right in the eye and CACKLED while pointing at me!!!! I was both scared for my life and very entertained!will be uploaded at an undermined time...sorry! This week, Sister Speed and I taught our investigator Lance :) He is fantastic! He was really open with us but had troubles accepting that God loves him personally. Goodbyes with Lance was pretty hard. We also taught a less active member. She wanted to talk about the temple so that was pretty fun! 

When I am not in the classroom, I am in devotionals! This week, we had a in-field devotional which lasted all day, it was pretty fun actually and really interactive. I definetely feel more prepared to enter the field. 
We had even more blessings happen this week. Both Sister Speed and I recieved blessings, and also 2 other sisters that really needed it. Last night, Elder Jones also recieved a blessing. 

The funniest thing that happened this week needs a little background. Sister Cramer is amazing. She is also very unique and ecsentric! When she laughs, she cackles...REALLY LOUD! I adore it because it is basically her personality in laugh form! Anyways, getting stares in the cafeteria is a daily thing for our district and we love it! So a few days ago, we were eating dinner when we all started laughing about something, and Sister Cramer's cackle starts up again! I was laughing so hard from her laugh that I started crying! She started laughing even harder because of me, and it went back and forth! For a whole 2 minutes, she looked at me right in the eye and CACKLED while pointing at me!!!! I was both scared for my life and very entertained! 

I love hearing from everyone!
I am loving the work remember that God answers prayers! 
Lots of Love, 
Sister Parry
PS if you write me in a non email sort of way, send it to my mission home now. :

1 comment:

  1. Yay Sarah! I'm so glad everything is going well! Thinking of you!
