This transfer just FLEW by! I was sitting at the transfer devotional and it felt like I was still at the last one! Everyone couldn't believe how fast the 7 week transfer seemed to be and I don't even want to think about how fast a 5-week transfer will go! Sister McClees is awesome! She is going to be so great for Salina! She loves Erica and William, therefore, we have a lot in common, so there is always loads to talk about! :)
The best moment of the week also turned out to be the worst as well. President and Sister Bell came to a baptism and took all of the missionaries out for lunch. He had a question about the Lira family back in Dodge, and I jokingly said that I could call them. Before I knew it, President Bell's phone was in my hand calling Beatriz! An elder that was in Dodge at the same time that I was looked at me and whispered to President Bell, "This is like calling home for her" he is absolutely right! Sadly, it was the wrong phone number so I didn't get to talk to them.... :'(
There was a recurring theme this week. That was that I have SO MANY weaknesses and shortcomings, there is absolutely no way that I could do this work on my own. Every time this week that I fell short, the Savior would deliver us and provide us with more miracles than we could handle. At the end of every day, I look back and realize that we have been carried by the atonement the entire time.
Most of the miracles that the Lord gave us was helping us find some of those that are very prepared to learn about and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Jessica and her 4 kids: Jaylah, Janiya, Jakye, and Jashadrey is one of the greatest families ever! They tell us over and over again how much they can relate to Joseph Smith's experience when he was seeking to learn the truth in his life. I told Jessica that we have a prophet on the Earth today and her eyes went wide. She told us that if that was true, her and her family had a lot of changing to do to follow him! Can you believe that? I love people.
Maybe this was just funny to me, but I'll tell you anyways. This morning, we were doing our laundry at a member's home and decided to take a quick nap. Yeah. that "quick nap" turned into a 2-hour nap! We had no idea how tired we were, but our bodies were pretty grateful! There's nothing like taking a nap for the 1st time in 6 months.
I can't wait for this upcoming week, we have a lot in store and a TON of work to do! I love you all! Take care, and remember that God answers prayers!
Sister Parry