Happy Monday everyone!
So, I just realized that I only have 10 minutes left to email and it usually takes me roughly an hour to write this so, sorry!!
This week was so much fun! We were walking all week long and we were blessed with gorgeous weather! Plus, the new semester is about ready to start up so there are students everywhere!! A few of our leaders gave us different challenges and they got us pumped up! One day, we made a list of all the awkward situations that we would normally avoid talking to someone and did all of them! We talked to groups, people with headphones on, and even crossed the street just to talk to someone! It was so cool to see the miracles that the Lord provided us as we were diligent and talked to everyone in sight!
So, I have discovered that almost no one in Manhattan is actually from the United States. We have talked to anyone BUT Americans! I love hearing about other people's beliefs and cultures. When we added it all up these are the places where everyone is from: Ecuador, Paraguay, Nigeria, Argentina, China, Bangladesh, India, Srilanka, Mexico, Quaite, Senegal, and a few Muslims!
So the funniest door of my whole mission happened the other day:
We were trying to see an investigator and Sister Jensen had an impression to knock on another door. We did, and an ANCIENT lady answered the door! Imagine this: she is about 4 feet tall, her glasses are about a mile wide, and her hair is sticking straight up. Here is a basic run down of our conversation with her:
Her: "I was asleep! Who are you?"
Us: "We're the missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!"
Her: "Oh..Latter-Day Saints...."
Us: "Oh! Have you talked to missionaries before?"
Her: "Well I'm not interested, I'm Southern Baptist! But I want you to come back sometime so I can argue with you!"
Us: "Uh................"
Her: "Do you have any literature?!"
Us: "Sure do!" I give her a Restoration pamphlet and explain that it talks about Jesus.
Her: "I already know Jesus Christ! He is my Savior and I hope that he is yours too!"
Maybe you had to be there but it was hilarious!
Well time is up! I love you all! Have a great week and remember that God answers prayers!!
Sister Parry
Who can guess the 3 scripture stories??
Sunday is my favorite day
Am I the only one that finds this funny?
"soliciting and/or distribution of literature prohibited"
That's better! P day at the laundromat!
Self-timer is hard