
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Week 37: Bringing the family back together!

Mi Familia! 

As you can see, I am learning SO MUCH Spanish here in Kansas! Jokes, jokes! All I can say is:

"Hi................Sister Parry......The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints........Jesus Christ!!......Thank you.........bye."

Yeah. Good thing that I am not a Spanish Sister! 

One of the Spanish missionaries taught me the coolest thing! So this is how you spell mission in Spanish: "Mision" If you divide the word in half you get 2 words: "Mi sion" which translates into "My Zion" in English! My mission truly is my own personal Zion! 

So, miracles happen every day in Kansas! The most recent one happened while we were tracking. We knocked on a door a found a sign that said, "Woodruff's" on it. I laughed and said, "Do you think that they are related?" An elderly couple let us in and we talked to them for a while. He told us that his ancestor was the head of the Mormon Church once.


I almost died. They were catholic but let us testify to them of modern-day prophets, it was so amazing! I thought that we were going to get the Woodruff family back together...not yet. They were not interested. Some day, they might be. 

Later in the week, we get a call from a member that told us a random girl added her on facebook and wanted to learn about Mormons. We were so pumped!! When we went to go meet her, it turned out to be a joke! A returned missionary that I served around for a while showed up instead! I have mixed emotions but it was great to catch up with her and take her out on team-ups with us! 

One of my favorite moments of the week was going to a Devotional for recent coverts, investigators, and less-actives given by our mission president. It was so amazing! He asked a few recent converts to bear their testimonies and talk about powerful! He then let anyone go up and it was fantastic to hear from those who are just learning about the church. The Spirit was so strong and nearly everyone was crying. Afterwards, I was talking to an investigator from Nepal. Woah. She is a spiritual giant! She has known missionaries for years, but now knows that this is where God has been leading her! 

My other favorite moment of the week was trading Cindy's coffee and coffee pot for Mountain Dew. She is so excited to be baptized on the 30th! I am so excited for her! Her past may have been rough but she is ready to turn to the Lord for help and dedicate her life to him. People never cease to amaze me. Seriously, these people that have gone through so much and are willing to change their lives to have the truth of the gospel with them. I love this work so much. 

One thing stuck out to me. We were talking to a sister in the ward who once was a missionary as well. When she was describing her mission experience she said "hmmm...I wouldn't say that it was fun but it was so great and amazing" That shocked me. Serving the Lord is the funnest thing that I have ever done! Yes, this is serious work and I need to work my very hardest, but I am having a blast doing it! I cannot count the blessings that I am getting and the miracles that I am seeing! 

I hope that you all have a fantastic week! Love you! Miss you! And remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry

How to catch a fly 101

Excuse me while I go paint my roof with my broom

Made a new friend

Oh Kansas, why do you do this to me?

I have found nothing that says we cannot bribe our investigators to come to church with pancakes...

Chilln' with the elders, whatevs.


Selfies with Mama Bell

They are the best Mission Parents that any missionary could ever ask for!

Lehi's dream

Good trade! 

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