
Monday, August 11, 2014

Week 36: "It changed me"

Another week gone by, so crazy! 

This week was so good like usual! The Lord has truly prepared his children here in Dodge and the work is starting to explode! Every day the Spirit tells me that even though Dodge City has a tiny ward, singing in Spanish and English-it is going to be a stake some day! We are laying the foundation and baptizing future stake presidents and temple workers. There are 4 sets of missionaries in this small city but we are all so busy! 

Yesterday was so crazy, the kind of day that makes you spiritually exhausted and praying for Pday to come! We spent the morning making over 100 pancakes to serve to investigators before church. Only like 4 people came to our pancake party but 16 investigators were at church! Our average is more like 3 as a district so it was insane! Sacrament meeting was more like a missionaries nightmare of sorts. Deep doctrine was brought up, crazy stories, but the Spirit was strong so that is what counts! Afterwards was a baptism for the elder's investigator and it was all in Spanish. :) One of the young men who is also a convert agreed to invite our investigator to be baptized afterwards. He said that he would talk to his parents about it. 

 The conversation with the parents was pretty intense. They are both investigators as well but it really hit them that their 11-year old son wants to do this for real. They talked to their son and encouraged him to really take time to think about it. I spent the entire hour praying for the Holy Ghost to be present! This kid is so prepared! This is what he said after watching the baptism: 

"It changed me. You could tell that the guy had some bad in his life before, but when he came up out of the water, it was like he was a new person-like a fresh start. It made me want to be a follower of Jesus Christ!" 
I have never heard anyone describe baptism like this boy did!

We also met the sweetest old lady this week. She has learnd from the missionaries before and even was going to get baptized. When she got sick before her baptism, her daughter told the missionaries that her mom was no longer interested. She told us that she still believes that Joseph Smith was a prophet, this is true and that she wants to be baptized!! When we went on Saturday to see her, she said that her daughter won't let her live with her if she continues to meet with us. So she is trying to move out. It amazes me what people are willing to do to have the gospel in their lives. Miracles happen every single day, and I get to have a front row seat! 

This week a lot of prayers were said, and a lot of Icy-Hot was used, you know, same old, same old. Living the life. :) 

I have been pondering a lot about Prayers. At the end of every letter that I write, I always say, "Remember that God answers prayers!" He does, every single one. I have been thinking about what we need to do to get that answer. I am learning that we all need to be like the Brother of Jared. He had not only had to come up with his own answer,but he had to do everything that he could to make it happen! He climbed the entire mountain again with the stones in his hands without knowing if the Lord was going to say yes to his idea or not! We need to do the same! If someone is wondering when/if they should get baptized, maybe they need to set their own date, and work towards it with full intent of getting into the water that day. Maybe God will not tell them right away if this is the right path for them or maybe he will wait a while to see if they will continue to walk towards it. It is a big leap of faith but it is so worth it. 

I love you all, I hope that you are making memories and having the time of your life! 

Remember that God answers prayers! 
Sister Parry 

Companion study at the laundromat!

Y'know, just a little photo shoot while doing the laundry nbd.

A little friend joined us at church! 

So Kansas.

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