
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Week 35: Jesus is My Best Pal!

I know that I say this every month, but I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT IT HAS BEEN 8 MONTHS ALREADY!!!!!! Ahhh, next month I will hit my 1/2 way mark! Sister Fairbourn and I had a long talk about how short 18 months is to be a missionary. We decided that we are not going to waste a minute of the Lord's time here in Kansas. 

We had the best Specialized Zone training! We were blindfolded and walked through Lehi's dream. The Spirit was so strong, I learned so much, I can't even begin to list it all! The biggest thing that I took away from it was walking out of the room actually. There was a picture of Jesus and it just struck me. I thought about he is our guide and how if we can focus our lives and attention on him, everything will work out. He might bring you through thick and thin, but he WILL bring you through it. 

We had such an amazing lesson with Maria on Saturday. We watched a video about reaching our potential and Sister Fairbourn gave such a heartfelt testimony about reaching our next level of happiness. We talked to her about how we often get comfortable where we are at in life and forget that God has so much more in store for us. We asked Maria what she thinks is the next step to achieve more happiness. She looked at us and said, "I know. I know that God wants me to be baptized." It was so powerful! No one in that room had dry eyes! 

Sunday was a trail of faith. We had several people planning on coming to church no matter what. When no one came, we were pretty devastated. It is so hard to feel the Spirit so strongly with someone and watch them not respond to it. We decided that instead of letting this get in the way, we are going to let this give us a new perspective and motivate us even more. This is the Lord's work and His children that we are working with. 

This week we spent so much time volunteering for Dodge City Days. I spent just as much time wearing a Tshirt as I did wearing a skirt! So weird! My personal favorite was the rodeo. I ALMOST got to go in. Taking tickets and watching the big screen counts right?? The good news is that acording to the members here, the elders made it into the newspaper at least twice this week from volunteering! So great! 

Favorite testimony from Sunday:
"I'd like to bear my testimony, I know that I am good at soccer, I want a basketball...........I know that Jesus is my best Pal! In the name of Jesus Christ amen!......can I have my cookie now?"

I hope that you all had a fantastic week! I love and miss you all! Remember that God answers prayers! 

Sister Parry 

Sister Runia, Sister Fairbourn, the pups and me. just chillin'

How many things can you fit in a tiny car? too many. ACTUALLY, can you change the caption to this:
"Missions. They are secretly one big jigsaw puzzle"

What on Earth are we going to do when she leaves on her mission in a month!?!

I got a new bike! 

                                                         Stuck behind a tractor for an eternity? Welcome to Kansas.

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