So, I made it to Dodge City!
Some random facts that I have discovered about it so far:
-Does not smell like poo
-Is the Cowboy Capital (figures that I would find the Cowboy Capital and live there!)
-The water tower is home to at least 40 vultures (on the plus side, there is hardly any roadkill)
-The hills are more like slight inclines
-Dodge City Days Festival is bigger than Christmas.
-Includes semi-trucks in parades
Some things, I just don't understand. Oh well. Goodbyes in Emporia were bitter-sweet. I hated to leave the people, but I know that the Lord has prepared people in Dodge City as well. One of the 1st things that my new companion Sister Fairbourn said to me was "Happy National Hammock Day!" I knew then that we were going to get along jusssssssst fine! She is so funny, and chill. I am so excited to work with her.
So, I fulfilled my life-long dream of being in a parade....sort of. If you count walking along side of the parade handing out pass-along cards then I was totally in a parade! We passed out an insane number of pass-along cards that day. Oh my goodness.
How much do you know about family history? Because I didn't know that much until we set up a booth and talked to people about it for 6 hours! I am impressed with how many people in Dodge have already started to do family history! That is my challenge to you folks is to start some family history work!
My personal favorite moment of the festival was when an elder ran up to us and said, "Quick! Elder Rojas is in a dance off!!" uh....what. Elder+soldier verses 2 eighteen year olds. I dare you to guess who won. It was hilarious!! it's probably on Youtube by now.
On a more spiritual note, Dodge truly has people who have been prepared. We went to see a potential from a year ago and she accepted to be baptized!! The Spirit was so strong! We walked out of that lesson a little embarrassed by our teaching skills but amazed that the Holy Ghost was able to work through us despite our imperfections. It really is the Lord doing all the work, he just asks us to keep moving forward.
Deciding to go on a mission really is my best decision so far. The world around you keeps going on but time is frozen for you. The low moments are deeper than I expected but the highs are taller than Mount Everest and makes up for everything.
Remember that God answers prayers!
Sister Parry
Goodbyes to the Gonzolez family, I will dearly miss them and the amazing Mexican food!
Super hard goodbye to Pam :( This is her trying to look serious :)
The serious didn't last too long.
I dare you to find a cooler mission president. Wrote and sang a rap on the ukulele. Perfect.
Goodbyes to Sister Andersen and Hello to Sister Fairbourn
Welcome to the VERY CENTER of America. Don't get too excited folks!
We were biking when the other sisters took pity on us and picked us up. The thermometer actually went up to 125 degrees!
Kansas has a cowboy church. It was bound to happen
So seriously, I wasn't exaggerating!
Some good ol' stick pull