
Sunday, July 28, 2013


Can I just take a moment here to say how EXCITED I AM!!!
Although, it is just the beginning of the wait to December, everything is coming together so nicely. It is becoming so real that this is what I am doing, and I can't wait! It feels so good to finally know where I'm going! And now I can prepare Trust me, for 7 months, this conversation has played out approximately 745,952,031 times:

Me: I'm going to go on a mission!
Random person: Oh my gosh! Where?!!?!
Me:....uhh, I don't know yet......

Now that I have a call it has altered ever so slightly:

Me: I'm going to go on a mission!
Random person: Oh my gosh! Where?!!?!
Me: WICHITA KANSAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random Person: Oh...that's nice!.....

Yeah...I know that Kansas is not the most exotic place on Earth but it is just for me! When I read my call, it was so random, and not anywhere close to what I was thinking. It felt so right. I know that I belong there! If I die before I make it there, just plan on burying me in Kansas because I WILL GET THERE!!

Oh, and guess who is going to the temple this week!! ME! ME! ME!
Just had to get that out! This is happening and I couldn't be happier! 

Want to hear a story about how I finally got to my recommend today?
So, I am going to the temple on Wednesday, and before I can do that, I need to go shopping, and before I can shop, I need 2 interviews! Well, as the timing worked out, my 1st one was scheduled for 10:15 this morning and the 2nd was for 11:00 at 2 different buildings!!! haha the great secretary was patient as I "subtly" asked, "So, random long will this take??" haha

Today, I get to church, and before it started, I was talking to my bishop when I realized that I need him to sign my acceptance letter!! Which is unwritten, at my house! Well, I ran home to grab it and a pen and run in just after Sacrement Meeting was starting. I sat there writing to the lovely bretheren during the Sacrement when it hit me: I HAVE NOT PAID MY TITHING YET!

So, back home I go to grab a check to fill out that I cannot find! ahhhh!  Luckily, I had $200 cash on me, so I run downstairs to ask my darling brother change for a hundred. NO LUCK. I ended up having to break a commandment to live one. Guys, I went to the store and bought some M&Ms! It is all coming out now!
So, when my bishop asked me if I am a full tithe payer I proudly stated,       "YES, YES I AM!" 
The End.
Please, anyone else have a not-so-normal life?! Anyone??

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