
Sunday, July 28, 2013


Now that I know where I'm going, I can finally prepare and buy stuff! The only problem with that is no matter where you go, you WILL find that almost everything in the store, you will absolutely NEED for your mission! I have banned myself from Walmart and Target's scarf sections all together. It's a problem I tell ya! You know your a sister missionary when you suddenly find yourself having a great interest in items such as: plain and simple watches, basic colored umbrellas, SCARFS, conservative jewelry etc, etc.
I will admit this: On out last outing to Walmart, I did allow myself to buy 2 shirts. Here is a sneak peak at them:
I kind of have a thing for floral patterns...
Trust me, these shirts were screaming at me that they belong in Kansas! SCREAMING I TELL YOU! So, I gave in! I eventually had to get my mom to drag me out of the store before I purchased half of Walmart!

Oh, and do you want to know why being an Auntie is the BEST JOB IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD
You receive letters in the mail like this:
Short, sweet, and to the point. I like it! 
I am going to give a shout at to my nephew Taylor-Man! Because TODAY he is officially a decade old!! WOOT WOOT! I love him! He is the smartest 10 year old that I have ever encountered. He loves science, minecraft, and poo-related jokes that never get old :) I hope that he is going to like his new soccer ball! 
Being an auntie is my favorite. It never gets old, and they are adorable. PLUS, you get to spoil them and them SEND THEM HOME. It is a beautiful system. 
These 13 kids are my life and a HUGE reason that I am serving a mission. I am going to miss them more than anyone I am sure. But I am doing this for them. I want each of them to know that their Auntie Sarah knows that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is Christ's restored church on the world today, and because I know it and am blessed from it, I want others to have that too. :) 
God speed everyone! 
Who has inspired you to serve a mission? I would love to hear all about them! Comment below! 


Can I just take a moment here to say how EXCITED I AM!!!
Although, it is just the beginning of the wait to December, everything is coming together so nicely. It is becoming so real that this is what I am doing, and I can't wait! It feels so good to finally know where I'm going! And now I can prepare Trust me, for 7 months, this conversation has played out approximately 745,952,031 times:

Me: I'm going to go on a mission!
Random person: Oh my gosh! Where?!!?!
Me:....uhh, I don't know yet......

Now that I have a call it has altered ever so slightly:

Me: I'm going to go on a mission!
Random person: Oh my gosh! Where?!!?!
Me: WICHITA KANSAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Random Person: Oh...that's nice!.....

Yeah...I know that Kansas is not the most exotic place on Earth but it is just for me! When I read my call, it was so random, and not anywhere close to what I was thinking. It felt so right. I know that I belong there! If I die before I make it there, just plan on burying me in Kansas because I WILL GET THERE!!

Oh, and guess who is going to the temple this week!! ME! ME! ME!
Just had to get that out! This is happening and I couldn't be happier! 

Want to hear a story about how I finally got to my recommend today?
So, I am going to the temple on Wednesday, and before I can do that, I need to go shopping, and before I can shop, I need 2 interviews! Well, as the timing worked out, my 1st one was scheduled for 10:15 this morning and the 2nd was for 11:00 at 2 different buildings!!! haha the great secretary was patient as I "subtly" asked, "So, random long will this take??" haha

Today, I get to church, and before it started, I was talking to my bishop when I realized that I need him to sign my acceptance letter!! Which is unwritten, at my house! Well, I ran home to grab it and a pen and run in just after Sacrement Meeting was starting. I sat there writing to the lovely bretheren during the Sacrement when it hit me: I HAVE NOT PAID MY TITHING YET!

So, back home I go to grab a check to fill out that I cannot find! ahhhh!  Luckily, I had $200 cash on me, so I run downstairs to ask my darling brother change for a hundred. NO LUCK. I ended up having to break a commandment to live one. Guys, I went to the store and bought some M&Ms! It is all coming out now!
So, when my bishop asked me if I am a full tithe payer I proudly stated,       "YES, YES I AM!" 
The End.
Please, anyone else have a not-so-normal life?! Anyone??

Saturday, July 27, 2013


This is the day that I watched the mailbox like a HAWK. My poor mother was dealing with my pacing and mumbling all morning long! I respect that woman.

My biggest fear would be that It wouldn't show up until the next day! I have discovered that I am NOT as patient as I thought I was, but the Lord is, and he is merciful. He only made me wait 1 week and a day from the time that my papers were turned in by my Stake President to the day that it arrived. BOO- YA!  Life is good!
Our visiting teacher came over for a while, she was so cute to NOT mention my constant glancing out the window and the silent freak out when the mailman was across. the. street.
Again, I was soooo terrified that it wouldn't be there that Courtney and Savannah had to take me to the mall for some lunch while I hyperventilated. Bless their hearts for dealing with me. :)
Well, while I figure out why I can't upload the video, here is all the mailbox pictures!!!
Trying my best to look like a calm, normal person at the mall. :)


Mommy and I, happy as clams! 

My amazing best friend Courtney  :D 

Aren't we the cutest?

My other best friend Dominique(who is going to serve in Chicago) made this poster for me :) :) 

The people in this is my Mom :), Courtney(the BFF), Courtney's Mom(love her!), and the one recording is Rachel(basically, I wish that I was as cool as her when I was 12) oh and Me(I'm the one who crumples in a ball and shakes like a chihuahua)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My testimony

Serving a mission for my church always enthralled me. I want to serve others and my Savior. If I could be of any use, I know that this is where I can make that happen. I love this gospel, and I am learning more every day! I testify that the Savior restored his church to the world again through Joseph Smith. God's prophet today is Thomas S. Monson, and I sustain him so. God is active in my life and loves each and every one of us more than we can imagine. This is why I have made this decision.