
Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The house of the Lord

i found this post from the day after I wen't through the temple! I wanted to share my 1st thoughts. Pictures will come soon I hope!!

So uh........

I WENT THROUGH THE TEMPLE YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my goodness is all I can say. I LOVED it!

I will just say that the temple is soooo worth waiting, working, and putting every effort into! It is different than what I expected, but very, very sacred. I will be honest, that the nervousness beforehand never struck me for some reason. (except waiting to leave the house) I TOTALLY understand why most people are! The way that I saw it was this: No matter what, the church is true and I trust the Savior and my Heavenly Father more than anything.
A lot of people were surprised that I went through even though I don't leave for 4 months(and 4 days :D) It was a personal decision. I knew that I wanted to go early, because my mission does not have a temple in it's boundaries. Therefore, I want to go as often as I can before I leave. I knew that the Lord wanted me to go there at the time that I did and I did not want to put off making covenants or receive blessings. In the end, I'm glad that I did it.
The spirit is so strong, and I definetely do NOT understand the meaning of everything, but that is just an incentive for me to come back! I can't wait to get out in the field and help others get to the temple!
If you are nervous to go. Don't worry. Seriously. There is like 2 nice little old ladies at virtually EVERY CORNER of the temple! They thrive off of helping you and they have heard and seen it all!
You will not understand the depth of everything nor remember everything the 1st time. It is like trying to drink out of a fire hose, it really is. I had to remind myself like 6 times that I didn't have to remember everything!

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